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Clear quartz sheets

Product description Technical data Video

Clear quartz sheets

Clear quartz sheets (blocks, plates) are used worldwide in the semiconductor and fiber optic industries, whose performance, quality and purity demands are one of the highest in industry.

We offer different dimensions  quartz blocks made of various types of quartz glass. Typically plates are made of the following types of quartz glass (see the properties of the JGS type quartz glass described here):

  1. JGS-1 (Extreme UV optical quartz glass). It is a high-purity optical quartz glass made by oxyhydrogenflame melting. Its satisfactory UV light transmission performance surpass all the other glass types in particular in the shortwave UV zone and can achieve a 90% transmission rate at the wavelength of 185 μm. Hence it is an ideal choice for applications in the wavelength range of 185-2500 nm !
  2. JGS-2 (UV optical quartz glass). It is an optical quartz glass made by oxyhydrogen flame melting and is suggested for applications in the wavelength range of 220-2500 nm !
  3. JGS-3 (Infrared quartz glass). It has a good performance of infrared light transmission with a transmittance of over 85%. It is recommended for applications in the wavelength range of 260-3500 nm ! Products made of JGS-3 quartz are available as plates up to 300x200 mm and a thickness of 1 - 5 mm as well as discs with a diameter of up to 200 mm and a thickness of up to 10 mm. Other dimensions on request.
  4. Ozone free quartz.  It is clear quartz doped with Ti. Has a strong ability to prevent dense UV radiation but release no ozone. The product blocks wavelength < 220 nm, while transmit over 70% in 253.7 nm. Good for all kinds of germcidal lamps.
  5. UV stop quartz tubes. It is the best materials to prevent UV with best transparent performance. This cerium-added quartz can effectively prevent all radiation of UV-B and UV-C ultraviolet and most radiation of UV-A ultraviolet. It can be used to make quartz halogen lamp , gas discharge lamp and other UV lamp-house, which will effectively protect human and object from hurt of ultraviolet and maintain the best efficiency of light transmission.

We also carry unusual shaped quartz glass. Give us your requirements and drawings, and we will provide you with finished components.


While every attempt has been made to verify the source of the information, no responsibility is accepted for accuracy of data.

UV stop quartz - additional information

Chemical composition (ppm by weight, analysis via direct spectrometer reading)

Cr Ge Fe Mg Ti Ca Al Na Li K OH
<0.5 <0.4 1.5 0.5 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.5 0.36 2.5 1-50

Physical properties

Property Unit Value
Density (at 20 °C) kg/m3 *103 2.2
Ceofficient of expansion (in range 25-300 °C) 1/°C *10-6 0.58
Softening point °C 1620
Annealing point °C 1160
Strain point °C 1060
Youngs modulus Pa * 105 7.3


Spectral transmission at 1.0 mm thickness

Wavelength [nm] <220 230-280 290-330 315 350 380 590 780
Transmittance % 0 <19 0 15 88 92 93 93


Ozone free quartz - additional information

Chemical composition (ppm by weight, analysis via direct spectrometer reading)
Al Fe K Na Li Ca Mg Cu Mn Pb B Cr OH
25 1.5 2.5 2.5 0.6 2.3 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.01 0.2 0.1 <10

Physical properties

Property Unit Value
Density (at 20 °C) kg/m3 *103 2.2
Ceofficient of expansion (in range 25-300 °C) 1/°C *10-6 0.56
Softening point °C 1630
Annealing point °C 1180
Strain point °C 1070
Youngs modulus Pa * 105 7.3

Spectral transmission at 1.0 mm thickness

Wavelength [nm] 185 <220 230-280 550 590 780
Transmittance % 0 0 ≥85 ≥90 ≥92 ≥92


While every attempt has been made to verify the source of the information, no responsibility is accepted for accuracy of data.

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