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Glass tube linkers

If the glass tube must be longer than the available standard level gauges tubes, it is necessary to order custom length pipe or welding long tube with pipe sections. Both solutions significantly increase the cost of level gauge.

In many cases, we can use instead of welding a much cheaper solution using  metal adapters for glass tubes. By using adapters, we can obtain tubes with significant lengths (e.g. 10 m).

Adapters are designed to operate at a maximum pressure of 1.0 MPa (test pressure is 1.6 MPa) and temperatures up to 150 ° C. May be exposed to water, neutral and aggressive liquids, are approved for contact with food.

Body (2) and tightening screw (1) (gland) are made of stainless steel 316 / 316L. Seal (3) was made of EPDM rubber. Hole through the gland is so adjusted, that the gland can freely move around the glass tube placed inside it. Tightening of the gland causes the deformation of the rubber seal, which fills the space between the metal adapter and the glass tube, provides a seal and a mechanical connection of adapter and tube.

Is recommended to make the threaded mounting hole for attachment of the adapter to the tank wall to stabilize the level gauge.

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