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Type 707 and 707WM

Glass tube level gauges cat. no. 707 and 707WM are designed for steam boilers, water tanks and other non-corrosive liquids with a maximum temperature of 473K (200°C). They are mainly used in the shipbuilding industry.

This level gauges are produced by Polish producers and are available in two versions:

  1. normal version
  2. marine version - WM


A set of heads of glass tube level gauges consists of upper and lower head equipped with a drain. The heads can be made right (handle taps on the right) or the left. During mounting on the tank must be inserted between the heads (upper and lower) glass tube having an outer diameter of 20 mm.

Glass tubes for 707 set, in accordance with the needs of the client installation, can be cut and bundled with the 707 set or separately, in addition to that set. 

If the length of the glass tube exceeds 2.5 - 3 m, we suggest connect glass tubes using pipe connection fittings. This facilitates the transport of the glass tube to the customer and allows the creation of pipe of large lengths (e.g. 10 m). Pipe connection fittings should be screwed to the brackets (or tank wall) to ensure adequate rigidity of the entire structure.

We also supply sealing elements for glass tube level gauges sets of type 707, which consists of teflon seals and brass washers (see here). The set enables effective sealing of a glass tube in a type 707 liquid level gauge head.


Basic elements of heads:

  • in standard version: brass MO59
  • in stainless steel version: OH18N9


  • Flange acc. PN-ISO 7005-1.1996

Main dimensions:

Version  dw Dz D1 Do dx n f g L d a D D2 Mass
[mm] [inches] [kg]
(with flanges)
14 100 58 75 15 x 4 1 14 91 20 - - - 2,35
(threaded connections)
14 - - - - - - 97 20 10,5 G3/4 G1/2 1,10

Scope of application

Version Nominal
Test pressure Maximum operating pressure
at medium temperature 200°C 
Body Valves
Normal 16 2,4 1,6 1,6
Maritime 16 3,2 2,4 1,6


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